Blake Burton Part Two


He choked back a response giving her time to take it all in for herself. It was hard to judge time hanging in the dark but his mind told him that she grasped it all a lot quicker than he had done so.

“There’s an emergency access shaft at the rear of the bridge. Have we heard anything from the rest of the ship?”

Blake was comforted slightly by the worry in that last question. Seeing the fear twisting and turning inside of him present in another reassured him that he wasn’t alone. His silence answered her question.

“What about anyone else?” she asked looking around the bridge.

Again only silence followed. As someone starting out on the path to the captains chair Blake figured he should say something even if it was only to answer the basic questions presented to him but he couldn’t find a thing to say.

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Blake Burton Part One


Due to the Sun, Moon and stars it was darker inside the ship than out. The only illumination was the steady beat of the warning lights casting a red watchful gaze over everything. It was this light that caught on the breath of those still living. The breath that hung like clouds in the cold, dead, air. The breath that for some was the only mark between the living and the dead. Some hung among the destruction and debris while others were lodged away secure in an often, literal, death like grip. Blake Burton was neither. He hung like a fish on a line, snagged on the smashed screen of the tactical station his left arm through the glass; clothes and skin punctured by metal and wire. Every twitch, as he floated there, sent pain through his body and when the occasional charge ran through the system that too lanced up and down him meaning he was the first on the bridge and, as far as he knew, on the ship awake.

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